TurkTelecom - Fraud Risk

Low Risk
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Fraud Score: 1
We consider TurkTelecom to be a potentially low fraud risk ISP, by which we mean that web traffic from this ISP potentially poses a low risk of being fraudulent. Other types of traffic may pose a different risk or no risk. They operate 4,063,295 IP addresses, none of which are running high risk services. They manage IP addresses for organisations including Turk Telekomunikasyon A.S, Turk Telekomunikasyon Anonim Sirketi, and ILMET Elektronik Ltd. Scamalytics see low levels of web traffic from this ISP across our global network, little of which is, in our view, fraudulent. We apply a risk score of 1/100 to TurkTelecom, meaning that of the web traffic where we have visibility, approximately 1% is suspected to be potentially fraudulent.
IP Fraud Risk API
  "risk":"very high"
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IPs by Service

The percentage of TurkTelecom IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:

Anonymizing VPN 0%
Tor Exit Node 0%
Server 0%
Public Proxy 0%
Web Proxy 0%

Percentage IPs by Country

The percentage of TurkTelecom IP addresses which fall under each country:

Turkey 99%
Cyprus < 1%
United States < 1%
Colombia < 1%
Bosnia and Herzegovina < 1%

Percentage IPs by Organisation

The percentage of TurkTelecom IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:

Turk Telekomunikasyon A.S 96%
Turk Telekomunikasyon Anonim Sirketi < 1%
ILMET Elektronik Ltd < 1%
Cyprus International University < 1%
Kombassan Holding A.S. < 1%
Arinet Security & Internet Consultancy Ltd. < 1%
Cyprus Wireless Solution Ltd. < 1%
Verisoft Bilgi Ýslem Tic. ve San Ltd. < 1%
Hosting Internet Hizmetleri Ltd. < 1%
High Level Software Ltd < 1%
SadeceHosting Internet Hizmetleri Ltd < 1%
Altenatifbank A.S. < 1%
Belya Bilgisayar A.S. < 1%
Escort Computer A.S. < 1%
Eskisehir Bilisim Iletisim San Tic A.S. < 1%
Ford Otosan Otomotiv Sanayi A.S. < 1%
Honda Turkiye A.S. < 1%
Infotech Bilisim ve Iletisim San.Tic. A.S < 1%
InternetSahibi.NET Hizmetleri < 1%
KEY Internet Hizmetleri Bilgisayar Yazilim Donanim Muhendislik Musavirlik San.ve Tic. Ltd. < 1%
Kosanbit Telekom San. ve Tic. Ltd < 1%
Nuh Beton A.S < 1%
NUH Cimento A.S. < 1%
RM Arsiv Yonetim Hizmetleri < 1%
Tarnet Bilisim VE Iletisim Hizmetleri < 1%
Telekom Communication Ind&Commerce Co. < 1%
Ttnetdc CO Location Services < 1%
Turkish Radio-Television Corporation < 1%
Analiz Computer Cesim Ltd. < 1%
Longnet Iletisim Limited < 1%
RH Radore Hosting Ltd. < 1%
Anadolu University < 1%
Bekron Bilisim Hizmetleri < 1%
ENKA Insaat ve San. A.S. < 1%
In Tasarim Internet Hizmetleri < 1%
Kazanbel NET Iletisim Bilgi Teknoloji Ticaret Limited < 1%
Yurtici Kargo Servisi A.S. < 1%
Sistemnet Telekomunikasyon ve Bilgi Tek. Tic. Ltd. < 1%
Fastlane Networks Ltd < 1%
Superonline Iletisim Hizmetleri < 1%
Anadolu Japan Turizm A.S. < 1%
Baskent University < 1%
Bilgi Iletisim A.S. < 1%
BILTAM Group < 1%
Greennetworks Hosting Hizmetleri < 1%
Int Telekomunikasyon ve internet hizmetleri < 1%
ITS Telekom Servisleri Ltd. < 1%
Kanca El Aletleri Dovme Celik ve Makine San. A.S. < 1%
Karsan Otomotiv San. Ve Tic Yat. A.S < 1%
Kartonsan Karton SAN TIC A.S < 1%
Standard Unlu Menkul Degerler A.S < 1%
Yildizlar SSS Holding A.S. < 1%
A Yapim Televizyon Programcilik A.S. < 1%
ALCATEL TELETAS Telekomunikasyon Endustri Ticaret A.S. < 1%
Alpina Mayreder GMBH < 1%
Asya Kat& # 305;l&305;m Bankas&305; A.S < 1%
Avrasya Ozel Saglik Hizmetleri VE Hastanesi A.S < 1%
Baskent Dogalgaz Dagitim A.S. < 1%
Cakir Ozel Egitim Ogretim Hiz. Ltd. < 1%
DirectFN Finansal Veri Teknoloji Hizmetleri Ltd < 1%
Gittigidiyor Bilgi Teknolojileri San. Ve Tic. A.S. < 1%
Isdemir A.S. < 1%
Kocnet Hab.tek. VE Iletisim Hiz. A.S. < 1%
Kultur Bilgisayar Bil Tek San ve Tic Ltd < 1%
Mapa Mobilya VE Aksesuar Pazarlama A.S. < 1%
MNG Kargo Yurtici ve Yurtdisi Tasimacilik A.S. < 1%
Roitel telekom hizmetleri < 1%
Set Group Holding A.S. < 1%
TTOHL Otel Hizmetleri A.S. < 1%
Vestel Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. < 1%
Yatas A.S. < 1%
Telsad Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. < 1%
Alantron Bilisim LTD. < 1%
Bastas Cimento A.S. < 1%
BAYEK Tedavi Saglik Hizmetleri < 1%
Belbim A.S. < 1%
Cayeli Bakir Isletmeleri A.S. < 1%
Cozum Yazilim Donanim A.S. < 1%
Dati Yatirim Holding A.S. < 1%
EFE TUR Tasimacilik Ltd. < 1%
F1 Bilgi Teknolojileri Ltd < 1%
IES Egitim ve Bilgi Teknolojileri A.S. < 1%
Iskenderun Demir ve Celik A.S. < 1%
Kanca El Aletleri Dovme Celik ve Makina San. A.S. < 1%
May Tohumculuk Ziraat ve Ticaret Ltd. < 1%
Medipolitan Saglik ve Egitim Hizmetleri < 1%
Mirax Turizm Insaat ve Tic. A.S < 1%
MNG Holding A.S < 1%
Nilufer Turizm Ltd. < 1%
Ozaltin Otel Isletmeleri A.S. < 1%
Pamukkale TAS TUR TIC LTD < 1%
Tabim Bilgisayar Paz Tic Ltd < 1%
Tracim Beton San. VE Tic. A.S. < 1%
Transatlantic Explor Med Int Pty Ltd < 1%
Yaren Turizm TAS VE INS LTD < 1%
Yatas Yatak ve Yorgan San.Tic. A.S. < 1%
Yeni Telekom Internet Hizm Ltd < 1%

IPs by Fraud Score

The highest risk TurkTelecom IP addresses based on our fraud score:


IP Address data partner DB-IP.com:


Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:


IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.