{ "ip":"", "score":"100", "risk":"very high" }
The percentage of SpaceX Starlink IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:
Anonymizing VPN | 0% |
Tor Exit Node | 0% |
Server | 0% |
Public Proxy | 0% |
Web Proxy | 0% |
The percentage of SpaceX Starlink IP addresses which fall under each country:
United States | 38% |
Canada | 7% |
Australia | 4% |
Chile | 3% |
Mexico | 3% |
Brazil | 3% |
Germany | 3% |
Spain | 2% |
United Kingdom | 2% |
France | 2% |
Indonesia | 2% |
Poland | 1% |
Argentina | 1% |
Bulgaria | 1% |
Colombia | 1% |
Japan | 1% |
Kenya | 1% |
Nigeria | 1% |
New Zealand | 1% |
Singapore | 1% |
Philippines | 1% |
Peru | 1% |
Netherlands | 1% |
Malaysia | 1% |
Italy | 1% |
Ukraine | 1% |
Qatar | 1% |
Cyprus | 1% |
Mozambique | 1% |
Zambia | < 1% |
Guatemala | < 1% |
Ecuador | < 1% |
Honduras | < 1% |
Rwanda | < 1% |
Belgium | < 1% |
India | < 1% |
Zimbabwe | < 1% |
Austria | < 1% |
Malawi | < 1% |
Réunion | < 1% |
Haiti | < 1% |
Madagascar | < 1% |
Papua New Guinea | < 1% |
Paraguay | < 1% |
Slovakia | < 1% |
Sierra Leone | < 1% |
Benin | < 1% |
Latvia | < 1% |
Costa Rica | < 1% |
Switzerland | < 1% |
Czechia | < 1% |
Georgia | < 1% |
Croatia | < 1% |
Hungary | < 1% |
Republic of Lithuania | < 1% |
North Macedonia | < 1% |
Malta | < 1% |
Romania | < 1% |
Sweden | < 1% |
Eswatini | < 1% |
Mayotte | < 1% |
Portugal | < 1% |
Yemen | < 1% |
Dominican Republic | < 1% |
Antarctica | < 1% |
Burundi | < 1% |
Bahamas | < 1% |
Botswana | < 1% |
Fiji | < 1% |
Ghana | < 1% |
Gambia | < 1% |
Greece | < 1% |
Ireland | < 1% |
Israel | < 1% |
Jamaica | < 1% |
Sri Lanka | < 1% |
Lesotho | < 1% |
Republic of Moldova | < 1% |
Martinique | < 1% |
Puerto Rico | < 1% |
Slovenia | < 1% |
South Sudan | < 1% |
El Salvador | < 1% |
Denmark | < 1% |
Norway | < 1% |
Palestine | < 1% |
Cocos [Keeling] Islands | < 1% |
Panama | < 1% |
Albania | < 1% |
American Samoa | < 1% |
Azerbaijan | < 1% |
Barbados | < 1% |
Saint Barthélemy | < 1% |
Bhutan | < 1% |
Cook Islands | < 1% |
Cabo Verde | < 1% |
Estonia | < 1% |
Finland | < 1% |
Federated States of Micronesia | < 1% |
French Guiana | < 1% |
The percentage of SpaceX Starlink IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:
SpaceX Services, Inc | 43% |
SpaceX Starlink | 22% |
Starlink Chile SPA | 8% |
SpaceX Services, Inc. | 7% |
Space Exploration Technologies Corporation | < 1% |
Sureway Construction Management LTD | < 1% |
Starlink Satellite Systems Mexico S. de R.L. | < 1% |
SpaceX Canada Corp. | < 1% |
Domicem | < 1% |
NESTLE | < 1% |
Neale Swinnerton | < 1% |
Nestle Purina Petcare Coattn | < 1% |
Open TOP Sightseeing | < 1% |
Scotts Miracle-gro Products | < 1% |
Kima W Medical Center | < 1% |
Gregory Distribution Ltd | < 1% |
Level 3, LLC | < 1% |
BT Procure LLC | < 1% |
Blue Water - CPI - Goldston | < 1% |
Jhcc Holdings 4TH AVE Huntington WV | < 1% |
The highest risk SpaceX Starlink IP addresses based on our fraud score:
IP Address data partner DB-IP.com:
Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:
IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.