NOS Comunicacoes S.A. - Fraud Risk

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Fraud Score: 0
We consider NOS Comunicacoes S.A. to be a potentially low fraud risk ISP, by which we mean that web traffic from this ISP potentially poses a low risk of being fraudulent. Other types of traffic may pose a different risk or no risk. They operate 555,380 IP addresses, none of which are running high risk services. They manage IP addresses for organisations including TVCABO-Portugal, NOS Comunicacoes S.A., and EUnet. Scamalytics see medium levels of web traffic from this ISP across our global network, little of which is, in our view, fraudulent. We apply a risk score of 0/100 to NOS Comunicacoes S.A., meaning that of the web traffic where we have visibility, approximately 0% is suspected to be potentially fraudulent.
IP Fraud Risk API
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IPs by Service

The percentage of NOS Comunicacoes S.A. IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:

Anonymizing VPN 0%
Tor Exit Node 0%
Server 0%
Public Proxy 0%
Web Proxy 0%

Percentage IPs by Country

The percentage of NOS Comunicacoes S.A. IP addresses which fall under each country:

Portugal 100%

Percentage IPs by Organisation

The percentage of NOS Comunicacoes S.A. IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:

TVCABO-Portugal 83%
NOS Comunicacoes S.A. 10%
EUnet 3%
Novis Telecom SA 0% Servico Digitais Multimedia SA < 1%
Cibertride, Lda < 1%
Compta Equip. Serv. SA < 1%
Porto Editora, Lda < 1%
Informantem - Informatica e Manutencao, Lda < 1%
HONDA Automovel de Portugal, SA < 1%
Digidoc, Lda < 1%
Martifer Inovacao e Gestao SA < 1%
Total Tim-Servicos Telecomunicacoes Moveis e Afins, Lda < 1%
Sampedro Supermercados, Lda < 1%
Transdev Mobilidade Sa < 1%
MIAUGER-Organizacao e Gestao de Leiloes electricos SA < 1%
Shamir Portugal Lda < 1%
Mainroad - Servicos em Tecnologia de Informacao SA < 1%
Total Center, Lda < 1%
Arco Engenharia, SA < 1%
Rua Novais da Cunha SN Hospital < 1%
Feather Systems LDA < 1%
BBDO Portugal - Agencia de Publicidade, Lda < 1%
Beta Viagens e Turismo, Lda < 1%
Mapfre Seguros Gerais S.A. < 1%
Prenso-Metal LDA < 1%
Sgs Portugal Soc Geral de Superintendencia SA < 1%
Sonae Turismo Gestao e Servicos SA < 1%
Sierra Corporate Services < 1%
Miauger - Organizacao e Gestao de Leiloes Electronicos, SA. < 1%
Parque Expo, S.A. < 1%
Advance Care - Servicos de Gestao de Saude, SA < 1%
Bacardi Martini Port Lda < 1%
Mota - Engil Engenharia e Construcao, SA. < 1%
Radio Popular Electrodomesticos, Lda. < 1%
Sdf Portugal Serv Dist Frigorifica Lda < 1%
Empreiteiros Casais de Antonio Fernandes da Silva, SA < 1%
Sumolis-Companhia Ind. de Frutas e Bebidas, SA < 1%
Companhia de Seguros Tranquilidade Sa < 1%
Easyworld Consultoria Informatica Lda < 1%
Lusocargo Transitarios SA < 1%
Rumos, SA < 1%
Meni Meni - Sociedade Imobiliaria, SA < 1%
Iberfar Industria Farmaceutica SA < 1%
Preh Portugal Lda < 1%
Acinet - Sistemas E Tecnologias De Informacao LDA < 1%
Frezite Ferramentas de Corte, SA. < 1%
Noniussoft Software e Cons Telec Sa < 1%
Modelo Continente Hipermercados Sa < 1%
Eurest Portugal, Lda < 1%
Secil Britas, SA < 1%
Pink and Blue - Comercio de Artigos de Saude, Lda. < 1%
It Base-Solucoes Informaticas SA < 1%
Fujitsu Siemens Computers IT Product Services SA < 1%
Aguas Douro Paiva SA < 1%
Alcatel Portugal SA < 1%
Alert Life Sciences computing Sa < 1%
Ambisig Amb Sist Infor Geog LDA < 1%
PHC Software, SA < 1%
Shortcut Consultadoria Servicos Tecnologia Informacao LDA < 1%
Praia Mar, Lda < 1%
ATRIUM Investimentos - SFC, SA < 1%
Iberian Salads Agricultura SA < 1%
Lisgrafica - Impressao Artes Graficas Sa < 1%
IADE - Inst.Artes Visuais Design e Mark., SA < 1%
Azilis Empreendimentos Hoteleiros SA < 1%
Banctec - Informatica, Lda < 1%
Frissul Entrepostos Frigorificos Sa < 1%
Pierre Fabre Dermocosmetique Port. Lda < 1%
Primavera Business Software Solutions SA < 1%
Regra Gabinete Processamento electronico Dados SA < 1%
Brainluso - Servicos Empresariais, Lda. < 1%
Pecol Sistemas de Fixacao, S.A. < 1%
Select Recursos Humanos, Lda < 1%
Rua Comendador Sa < 1%
Sggh Serv Gerais Gestao Hoteleira SA < 1%
Renova - Fabrica de Papel do Almonda, SA < 1%
Japautomotive Com Aut Unip Lda < 1%
Climex Controlo de Ambiente Sa < 1%
Clinica Malo Internacional Education Centre Lda < 1%
L.J. Carregosa - Sociedade Financeira de Corretagem, SA < 1%
Gracentur-Grande Centro Turismo Lda < 1%
Lusotufo Industrias Texteis Irmaos Rolas SA < 1%
Maxdata Informatica, Lda < 1%
Confiltor - Gestao Contabilidade Informatica Lda < 1%
Continental Mabor Industria De Pneus SA < 1%
MNI Medicos na Internet - Saude na Internet SA < 1%
Correia e Correia, Lda. < 1%
Nanium Sa < 1%
oao da Madeira < 1%
Credifin Banco de Credito ao Consumo, SA < 1%
Mundial Confiança, SA < 1%
LS Gestao Empresarial Imobiliaria SA < 1%
Danka Office Imaging, SA < 1%
Paulosauto, Lda < 1%
Databox Informatica SA < 1%
Ocasiao - Edicoes Periodicas, Lda < 1%
Datatrade Servicos De Informatica, LDA < 1%

IPs by Fraud Score

The highest risk NOS Comunicacoes S.A. IP addresses based on our fraud score:


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IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.