HIGHWAY194 - Fraud Risk

Low Risk
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Fraud Score: 9
We consider HIGHWAY194 to be a potentially low fraud risk ISP, by which we mean that web traffic from this ISP potentially poses a low risk of being fraudulent. Other types of traffic may pose a different risk or no risk. They operate 732,984 IP addresses, none of which are running high risk services. They manage IP addresses for organisations including High Speed Internet Customers, Highway Customers, and Telekom Austria Aktiengesellschaft. Scamalytics see low levels of web traffic from this ISP across our global network, little of which is, in our view, fraudulent. We apply a risk score of 9/100 to HIGHWAY194, meaning that of the web traffic where we have visibility, approximately 9% is suspected to be potentially fraudulent.
IP Fraud Risk API
  "risk":"very high"
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IPs by Service

The percentage of HIGHWAY194 IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:

Anonymizing VPN 0%
Tor Exit Node 0%
Server 0%
Public Proxy 0%
Web Proxy 0%

Percentage IPs by Country

The percentage of HIGHWAY194 IP addresses which fall under each country:

Austria 99%
Liechtenstein < 1%
Germany < 1%
United Kingdom < 1%
Iraq < 1%
Saudi Arabia < 1%

Percentage IPs by Organisation

The percentage of HIGHWAY194 IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:

High Speed Internet Customers 48%
Highway Customers 3%
Telekom Austria Aktiengesellschaft 2%
Telekom Austria TA AG < 1%
Admiral Sportwetten GmbH < 1%
Amt der Niederoesterreichischen Landesregierung < 1%
SOZIALBAU gemeinnuetzige Wohnungsaktiengesellschaft < 1%
PCH IT Solution GmbH < 1%
Telekom Austria TA Aktiengesellschaft < 1%
Kapsch BusinessCom AG < 1%
Network Consulting Solutions GmbH < 1%
Elektro-Bruckner GmbH < 1%
Amt der Steiermaerkischen Landesregierung < 1%
Deichmann Schuhvertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. < 1%
Pearle Oesterreich GmbH < 1%
ASN Noe < 1%
TeleMax < 1%
Takko ModeMarkt GmbH < 1%
puttini.net Werbeagenturges.m.b.H. < 1%
Oesterreichisches Rotes Kreuz < 1%
Pfeiffer GrosshandelsgmbH < 1%
Telekom Austria AG < 1%
Doppler Mineraloele GmbH < 1%
HTM Hotel und Tourismus Management GmbH < 1%
voestalpine Stahl GmbH < 1%
interneX GmbH < 1%
Schirnhofer Fleischwarenvertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. < 1%
Lagermax Lagerhaus und Speditions AG < 1%
V-Lottery Systems GmbH < 1%
Caritas der Dioezese St.Poelten < 1%
XXXLutz KG < 1%
Aerztekammer Kaernten < 1%
Ernsting's family Austria GmbH < 1%
Schmid Industrieholding GmbH < 1%
Eworx Network & Internet GmbH < 1%
MASS Response Service GmbH < 1%
Markus Hinterberger < 1%
Horus Informationstechnologie GmbH < 1%
Pulkersoft EDV-Dienstleistungs GmbH < 1%
Porsche Informatik GmbH < 1%
Environmental Software and Services GmbH < 1%
Mobilkom Liechtenstein AG < 1%
Drei-Banken-EDV GmbH < 1%
Franz Prueller GmbH < 1%
W.Hamburger AG < 1%
proTask Services ASP GmbH < 1%
Media News Group < 1%
Johann Eberhard GmbH < 1%
Pascom Kommunikationssysteme GmbH < 1%
Bernegger GmbH < 1%
Wuerth Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. < 1%
Pruef-Treuhand GmbH & Co < 1%
EPAK GmbH < 1%
NEMETZ Entsorgung und Transport AG < 1%
Parfuemerie Douglas Gesellschaft m.b.H. < 1%
REWE International Dienstleistungsgesellschaft m.b.H. < 1%
A1 Tankstellenbetrieb GmbH < 1%
Schachermayer-Grosshandelsgesellschaft m.b.H. < 1%
T-Systems Austria GesmbH < 1%
GRZ IT Center Linz GmbH < 1%
Oesterreichischer Rundfunk < 1%
Telekom Austria - Corporate Network Upper Austria < 1%
MPREIS Warenvertriebs GmbH < 1%
Matratzen Concord GesmbH < 1%
Modering MEM Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. KG. < 1%
SPOe Landesorganisation WIEN < 1%
TEDi Warenhandels GmbH < 1%
H & M Hennes & Mauritz GesmbH < 1%
"Wuerth" Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. < 1%
Palmers Textil Aktiengesellschaft < 1%
Triumph International Aktiengesellschaft < 1%
Webmeisterei GmbH < 1%
Pappas Holding GmbH < 1%
Magistrat der Stadt Wien - MA 14 < 1%
Red Bull GmbH < 1%
OMV Solutions GmbH < 1%
Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft < 1%
Verizon Austria GmbH < 1%
CCI Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. < 1%
ORDIA Handels Ges.m.b.H. < 1%
Computer Betting Company GmbH < 1%
Nordsee Gesellschaft m.b.H. < 1%
ALPLA-Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co < 1%
CWS-boco Oesterreich GmbH < 1%
Invaris Informationssysteme GmbH < 1%
ALPHAGOLD Schmuck- und Uhrenvertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. < 1%
Gemeinnuetzige Bau- u. Wohnungsgenossenschaft "Wien-Sued" eingetragene Genossenschaft mit beschraenkter Haftung < 1%
SPAR Oesterreichische Warenhandels AG < 1%
Media - Saturn Beteiligungsges.m.b.H. < 1%
A.T.U Auto-Teile-Unger GmbH & Co KG < 1%
Flughafen Wien AG < 1%
Lichtshop Handels & Vetriebs GmbH < 1%
RKP Business Consultants GmbH < 1%
Bta Data Service & Technology GmbH < 1%
Service Consulting GmbH < 1%
Oesterreichisches Verkehrsbuero AG / Wigast Group < 1%

IPs by Fraud Score

The highest risk HIGHWAY194 IP addresses based on our fraud score:


IP Address data partner DB-IP.com:


Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:


IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.