{ "ip":"", "score":"0", "risk":"low" }
The percentage of HeLi NET Telekommunikation GmbH & Co. IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:
Anonymizing VPN | 0% |
Tor Exit Node | 0% |
Server | 0% |
Public Proxy | 0% |
Web Proxy | 0% |
The percentage of HeLi NET Telekommunikation GmbH & Co. IP addresses which fall under each country:
Germany | 100% |
The percentage of HeLi NET Telekommunikation GmbH & Co. IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:
HeLi NET Telekommunikation GmbH & Co. | 94% |
Kreis Soest | < 1% |
Stadtwerke Ahlen | < 1% |
Hoffmeier Industrieanlagen GmbH + Co. | < 1% |
KiK Textilien & Non-Food GmbH | < 1% |
Ahlen School | < 1% |
mitcaps GmbH | < 1% |
Stadtwerke Hamm | < 1% |
Verein katholischer Altenhilfeeinrichtungen e.V. | < 1% |
Druckerei Schmidt GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
Stadt Kamen | < 1% |
Stadtverwaltung Bergkamen | < 1% |
KRAFT Maschinenbau GmbH | < 1% |
Stadtwerke Luenen GmbH | < 1% |
Kluthnet | < 1% |
Trianel Kohlekraftwerk Lünen GmbH & Co | < 1% |
Hits Hamm | < 1% |
Kirchhoff Automotive GmbH | < 1% |
Campus IT Ahlen | < 1% |
DZS RHY | < 1% |
EGA | < 1% |
Kreis Unna I | < 1% |
Kreis Unna IV | < 1% |
Rathaus Hamm | < 1% |
Leitstelle Unna | < 1% |
GSW-Gemeinschaftsstadtwerke GmbH | < 1% |
Marienhospital Hamm | < 1% |
WDI Hamm | < 1% |
M-SH GmbH | < 1% |
Anton Roehr GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
Lucky Look GmbH | < 1% |
Heli | < 1% |
LTI Reenergy - Smart Technologies GmbH | < 1% |
Grauthoff Tuerengruppe GmbH | < 1% |
SHL Hamm | < 1% |
Kreis Unna V | < 1% |
Wilke Mediengruppe GmbH | < 1% |
Trianel Gaskraftwerk Hamm GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
MR Chemie GmbH | < 1% |
Zfsl Hamm | < 1% |
Auto Westhoff GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
AVATAREC Business Solutions GmbH | < 1% |
Luenen Itschulen | < 1% |
B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH | < 1% |
Radiox Unna2 | < 1% |
Julius Franken & Co. | < 1% |
BBM Maschinenbau u. Vertriebs GmbH | < 1% |
W. Jahn Verlag GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
Werneke Logistic GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
Betken & Potthoff GmbH | < 1% |
Werkstatt-Unna GmbH | < 1% |
Verpackungswerk Huckschlag GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
IZS - Handels GmbH | < 1% |
Kreis Unna III | < 1% |
Hochschule fuer Angewandtes Management GmbH | < 1% |
Bohmeier Moebelteile GmbH | < 1% |
Braukmann | < 1% |
SAL Luenen | < 1% |
Rathaus2 Hamm | < 1% |
Brinkmannschule | < 1% |
Caritasverband1 Hamm | < 1% |
WBG Luenen GmbH | < 1% |
Conrad Schulte GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
Coolblue GmbH | < 1% |
Db0hat | < 1% |
DH Logisitik GmbH | < 1% |
DR MED Ralph Wolkewitz Hamm | < 1% |
EGA Ahlen | < 1% |
Stadtwerke Froendenberg GmbH | < 1% |
embeX GmbH | < 1% |
Hoppenberg | < 1% |
Holtermann Regeltechnik GmbH | < 1% |
Heinrich Dehn Int. Spedition GmbH | < 1% |
EUROBAUSTOFF Zentrallager Westfalen GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
Koch Chemie GmbH | < 1% |
EV Pflegedienste Ahlen | < 1% |
EXA-Fruchtimporte GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
Leifeld Metal Spinning AG | < 1% |
Kemna Druck GmbH | < 1% |
H. Klostermann Baugesellschaft GmbH | < 1% |
Munk GmbH | < 1% |
Muenstermann GmbH | < 1% |
Media Park I GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
Licht & Harmonie Glastüren GmbH | < 1% |
Fraunhofer Hamm | < 1% |
Radiox Unna | < 1% |
Schmitz u. Soehne GmbH u. Co. | < 1% |
Gemeinschaftsschule | < 1% |
Schmeddingschule | < 1% |
Roehr-Moebel Verwaltungs GmbH | < 1% |
Oeko-Zentrum NRW GmbH | < 1% |
Guelde GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
Stadt Werl | < 1% |
Standard-Metallwerke GmbH | < 1% |
Smhl | < 1% |
Aurea Immobilienges. mbH | < 1% |
Bernhard und Hermann Schroeer GmbH | < 1% |
BIB Hamm | < 1% |
DiTom GmbH | < 1% |
The highest risk HeLi NET Telekommunikation GmbH & Co. IP addresses based on our fraud score:
N/A |
IP Address data partner DB-IP.com:
Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:
IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.