{ "ip":"", "score":"100", "risk":"very high" }
The percentage of Deutsche Telekom AG IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:
Anonymizing VPN | 0% |
Tor Exit Node | 0% |
Server | 0% |
Public Proxy | 0% |
Web Proxy | 0% |
The percentage of Deutsche Telekom AG IP addresses which fall under each country:
Germany | 99% |
United States | < 1% |
United Kingdom | < 1% |
Netherlands | < 1% |
Ukraine | < 1% |
France | < 1% |
Mexico | < 1% |
Canada | < 1% |
Finland | < 1% |
Switzerland | < 1% |
Slovakia | < 1% |
Denmark | < 1% |
Sweden | < 1% |
Ireland | < 1% |
Republic of Lithuania | < 1% |
Luxembourg | < 1% |
Norway | < 1% |
Australia | < 1% |
Taiwan | < 1% |
Thailand | < 1% |
Malaysia | < 1% |
New Zealand | < 1% |
China | < 1% |
Singapore | < 1% |
Turkey | < 1% |
Eswatini | < 1% |
South Africa | < 1% |
Japan | < 1% |
Belgium | < 1% |
Greece | < 1% |
Austria | < 1% |
The percentage of Deutsche Telekom AG IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:
Deutsche Telekom AG | 95% |
Telekom Deutschland GmbH | < 1% |
Ford-Extranet | < 1% |
Deutsche Messe AG for CeBIT / Hannover Messe | < 1% |
Akamai International B.V. | < 1% |
Private Customer | < 1% |
TUeV SUeD Business Services GmbH | < 1% |
Deutsche Messe AG for SeMEM | < 1% |
T-Data GmbH | < 1% |
TDG fuer Innofactory GmbH | < 1% |
T-Systems Business Services GmbH | < 1% |
DeTeLine GmbH | < 1% |
T-Systems International GmbH | < 1% |
Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH | < 1% |
Fastplanet LTD | < 1% |
Detecon International GmbH | < 1% |
Ipxo | < 1% |
Quantum Services LLC | < 1% |
Deutsche Telekom GmbH | < 1% |
SMS SIEMAG AG | < 1% |
DTAG Asia/Pac region | < 1% |
BULL | < 1% |
TSI fuer Messe Duesseldorf | < 1% |
LogicWeb Inc | < 1% |
Kreis Steinfurt | < 1% |
Savecall telecom Vertriebs GmbH | < 1% |
Marschall Electronics GmbH & Co. KG | < 1% |
Autobahn Tank & Rast GmbH | < 1% |
Deutsche Telekom North America, Inc. | < 1% |
Autobahn Tank und Rast GmbH | < 1% |
I-motion GmbH | < 1% |
Lubmin Wusterhusen | < 1% |
M3-Connect GmbH | < 1% |
DyStar Colours Distribution GmbH | < 1% |
esatus AG | < 1% |
Veniris Cloud GmbH | < 1% |
Nordfrost GmbH & Co. KG | < 1% |
Deutsche Telekom Network Projects & Services GmbH | < 1% |
Landesbetrieb Daten und Information Rheinland-Pfalz | < 1% |
AoTerra GmbH | < 1% |
Lunarnaut, LLC | < 1% |
AA LAN | < 1% |
Sprious LLC | < 1% |
Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH | < 1% |
OstTelCOm GmbH | < 1% |
Deutsche Telekom Individual Solutions & Products GmbH | < 1% |
Ost-Telecommunication GmbH | < 1% |
LM Layer and Mesh AB | < 1% |
Telekom Deutschland GmbH CO Bereich BV | < 1% |
TSBS fuer Wolters-Kluwer Deutschland GmbH | < 1% |
TSI fuer DE-Consult Deutsche Eisenbahn-Consulting GmbH | < 1% |
Signogy GmbH | < 1% |
DyStar Textilfarben GmbH & Co. | < 1% |
Ansmann AG | < 1% |
UAB Nacionalinis Telekomunikaciju Tinklas | < 1% |
Deutsche Telekom Business Solutions | < 1% |
Satelliten- u. Kabelferns.anl.Industrievertretung GmbH | < 1% |
MOD IT GmbH | < 1% |
Quality Data UG | < 1% |
Airbus Group S.A. | < 1% |
Tobit Software AG | < 1% |
Internet-Service Trossingen GmbH | < 1% |
Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG | < 1% |
X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries AG | < 1% |
DATAGROUP Financial IT Services GmbH | < 1% |
Paul Hartmann AG | < 1% |
T-Com Zentrale Projekt Tank &Rast | < 1% |
BITMARCK Technik GmbH | < 1% |
ElringKlinger AG | < 1% |
Quality Data E1 UG | < 1% |
B-M-N | < 1% |
Kreis Mettmann | < 1% |
Value Added Public Network | < 1% |
TSI fuer DGN Deutsches Gesundheitsnetz Service GmbH | < 1% |
DeTeSystem GmbH | < 1% |
mdex AG | < 1% |
Advanced Applications GmbH | < 1% |
ADP Employer Services GmbH | < 1% |
GEZE GmbH | < 1% |
Connext Communication GmbH | < 1% |
VINCI Energies Deutschland GmbH | < 1% |
Deutsche Telekom Business Solutions GmbH | < 1% |
MBDA Deutschland GmbH | < 1% |
TSI fuer Messe Duesseldorf GmbH | < 1% |
Deutsche Messe AG | < 1% |
Chiemgau-Net GmbH | < 1% |
Sedona Business International LTD | < 1% |
Softwarezentrum Boeblingen/Sindelfingen e.V. | < 1% |
Passauer Neue Presse | < 1% |
Customer of IPXO | < 1% |
FAC'T IT GmbH | < 1% |
Suedkurier Gmbh | < 1% |
Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation Brandenburg | < 1% |
Service- und Computer-Zentrum Nord | < 1% |
JK Computer Doerth | < 1% |
DER Patriot Lippstadt | < 1% |
The highest risk Deutsche Telekom AG IP addresses based on our fraud score:
IP Address data partner DB-IP.com:
Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:
IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.