{ "ip":"", "score":"100", "risk":"very high" }
The percentage of Cogent Communications IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:
Anonymizing VPN | 0% |
Tor Exit Node | 0% |
Server | 0% |
Public Proxy | 0% |
Web Proxy | 0% |
The percentage of Cogent Communications IP addresses which fall under each country:
United States | 86% |
Canada | 5% |
United Kingdom | 1% |
Netherlands | 1% |
France | 1% |
Brazil | 1% |
Spain | 1% |
Germany | 1% |
Mexico | < 1% |
South Africa | < 1% |
Venezuela | < 1% |
Japan | < 1% |
Argentina | < 1% |
Portugal | < 1% |
Singapore | < 1% |
India | < 1% |
Colombia | < 1% |
Turkey | < 1% |
Italy | < 1% |
Peru | < 1% |
Ivory Coast | < 1% |
Pakistan | < 1% |
Indonesia | < 1% |
Vietnam | < 1% |
Australia | < 1% |
Poland | < 1% |
China | < 1% |
Belgium | < 1% |
Dominican Republic | < 1% |
Hong Kong | < 1% |
Ireland | < 1% |
Ukraine | < 1% |
Finland | < 1% |
Switzerland | < 1% |
Sweden | < 1% |
Israel | < 1% |
Philippines | < 1% |
Greece | < 1% |
Taiwan | < 1% |
Honduras | < 1% |
Ecuador | < 1% |
Hungary | < 1% |
Costa Rica | < 1% |
Azerbaijan | < 1% |
Iraq | < 1% |
Romania | < 1% |
Bulgaria | < 1% |
Lebanon | < 1% |
Saudi Arabia | < 1% |
Czechia | < 1% |
Serbia | < 1% |
Austria | < 1% |
Chile | < 1% |
Puerto Rico | < 1% |
United Arab Emirates | < 1% |
Slovenia | < 1% |
Libya | < 1% |
South Korea | < 1% |
Republic of Lithuania | < 1% |
Denmark | < 1% |
Estonia | < 1% |
Georgia | < 1% |
Luxembourg | < 1% |
Malaysia | < 1% |
Ghana | < 1% |
Myanmar | < 1% |
Paraguay | < 1% |
Croatia | < 1% |
Cyprus | < 1% |
Jamaica | < 1% |
Guatemala | < 1% |
Republic of Moldova | < 1% |
Norway | < 1% |
Slovakia | < 1% |
New Zealand | < 1% |
Egypt | < 1% |
Syria | < 1% |
Congo | < 1% |
Kenya | < 1% |
Kazakhstan | < 1% |
Mali | < 1% |
Thailand | < 1% |
Malta | < 1% |
North Macedonia | < 1% |
Panama | < 1% |
Latvia | < 1% |
Eswatini | < 1% |
Guam | < 1% |
Angola | < 1% |
Bangladesh | < 1% |
Cuba | < 1% |
Algeria | < 1% |
Uzbekistan | < 1% |
Albania | < 1% |
Belize | < 1% |
Russia | < 1% |
Morocco | < 1% |
Montenegro | < 1% |
Burkina Faso | < 1% |
Bolivia | < 1% |
The percentage of Cogent Communications IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:
Cogent communications - IPENG | 46% |
Sprint | 19% |
PSINet, Inc. | 5% |
AGIS | 2% |
PSINet, Inc | 1% |
Code 200, UAB | 1% |
Vofo Corporation | 1% |
Kurun Cloud Inc | 1% |
Rethem | < 1% |
PSI Network One | < 1% |
Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority | < 1% |
Performance Systems International, Incorporated | < 1% |
ioNET, Inc. | < 1% |
Performance Systems International Incorporation | < 1% |
Cogent Communications | < 1% |
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc | < 1% |
Orange Cote d'Ivoire | < 1% |
NetLab | < 1% |
Videotron Ltee | < 1% |
BasicBrix Cloud Pte Ltd | < 1% |
PEG Tech Inc | < 1% |
ServerMania Inc | < 1% |
Purple Cow Internet Inc | < 1% |
Webshare Software, Company | < 1% |
Starcloud Global Pte. LTD | < 1% |
GoCodeIT Inc | < 1% |
Performance Systems International | < 1% |
Root Networks Limited | < 1% |
Arisk Communications inc. | < 1% |
The Internet Access Company | < 1% |
JSC "Ukrtelecom" | < 1% |
3xK Tech GmbH | < 1% |
ENI Networks, S.A. de C.V | < 1% |
LogicWeb Inc | < 1% |
Telcan Inc | < 1% |
Hostinger International Limited | < 1% |
Tngnet B.V | < 1% |
ggnet, ggnet.ca | < 1% |
WiredISP Inc | < 1% |
DynaNode.io | < 1% |
Adamo Telecom Iberia S.A | < 1% |
SAH Bite Ltd t/a QecHost | < 1% |
Wttyun Compute Limited | < 1% |
Digy Networks S.a. De C.V | < 1% |
DediPath, QuadraNet Enterprises LLC | < 1% |
Sprint International Australia Pty Ltd | < 1% |
Sprintlink | < 1% |
Transworld Associates (Pvt) Ltd | < 1% |
NetLab Global | < 1% |
M247 Ltd. | < 1% |
KVC Hosting | < 1% |
UAB Tesonet | < 1% |
Cloud South | < 1% |
Aventice LLC | < 1% |
Starry, Inc | < 1% |
NTS Communications LLC dba Vexus Fiber | < 1% |
BC LTD | < 1% |
Skyline Membership Corp | < 1% |
United Telephone Association, Inc | < 1% |
20 Point Networks LLC | < 1% |
Hongyun Technology Co., Limited | < 1% |
M&B Soluciones Peru SAC | < 1% |
RedDirtSoles, LLC | < 1% |
Optix Pakistan (Pvt.) Limited | < 1% |
High Proxies / HPRO Group Limited | < 1% |
Zinam Consulting Inc dba BUZZMAX | < 1% |
FDCservers.net | < 1% |
Global Host 23 SRL-S | < 1% |
Hypestatus Inc | < 1% |
Interactive Intelligence Canada, Ltd | < 1% |
Nexeon Technologies, Inc | < 1% |
Independent Fibre Networks Ltd | < 1% |
Kean University | < 1% |
Kaopu Cloud HK Limited | < 1% |
Open Fibre Networks Ltd | < 1% |
Last Spike LLC | < 1% |
Broadband the rural North Ltd | < 1% |
Wisprenn | < 1% |
Team Cymru | < 1% |
Babbl Communications LTD | < 1% |
G3 Telecom Corp | < 1% |
GVEC.net, LLC | < 1% |
PSL | < 1% |
Pacifico Cable SpA | < 1% |
Commercial Properties, LLC | < 1% |
ADA Digital Global Inc | < 1% |
Farmers Mutual Telephone Company | < 1% |
transat telecom, Québec inc. | < 1% |
Open Fibre Networks | < 1% |
IAAK Technologies Inc | < 1% |
Microscan Infocommtech Private Limited | < 1% |
Pangea Consulting, Inc. | < 1% |
Maraveca Telecomunicaciones C.A | < 1% |
Veganet Teknolojileri VE Hizmetleri Limited Sirketi | < 1% |
Cat Networks, Inc | < 1% |
Contabo Asia Private LTD | < 1% |
The highest risk Cogent Communications IP addresses based on our fraud score:
IP Address data partner DB-IP.com:
Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:
IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.