{ "ip":"", "score":"100", "risk":"very high" }
The percentage of CenturyLink Communications, LLC IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:
Anonymizing VPN | 0% |
Tor Exit Node | 0% |
Server | 0% |
Public Proxy | 0% |
Web Proxy | 0% |
The percentage of CenturyLink Communications, LLC IP addresses which fall under each country:
United States | 97% |
Singapore | 2% |
Netherlands | 1% |
United Kingdom | < 1% |
Japan | < 1% |
Australia | < 1% |
Hong Kong | < 1% |
Germany | < 1% |
Canada | < 1% |
Finland | < 1% |
Malawi | < 1% |
Papua New Guinea | < 1% |
Russia | < 1% |
Colombia | < 1% |
Denmark | < 1% |
France | < 1% |
Syria | < 1% |
Honduras | < 1% |
Laos | < 1% |
South Africa | < 1% |
Switzerland | < 1% |
China | < 1% |
Saudi Arabia | < 1% |
Belize | < 1% |
Montserrat | < 1% |
São Tomé and PrÃncipe | < 1% |
Italy | < 1% |
India | < 1% |
Spain | < 1% |
The percentage of CenturyLink Communications, LLC IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:
CenturyLink Communications, LLC | 92% |
Savvis | 6% |
Baruch College | < 1% |
Sprint | < 1% |
Cyxtera Technology UK Limited | < 1% |
Savvis Communications Corporation | < 1% |
Cimage Corporation | < 1% |
Association of American Medical Colleges | < 1% |
CoreComm Internet Services Inc | < 1% |
Dassault Systemes Americas Corp | < 1% |
SoHo Internet Solutions | < 1% |
WhiteSky Communications, LLC. | < 1% |
Level 3 | < 1% |
Savvis Communications | < 1% |
Technology Service Corp | < 1% |
Segna Technologies | < 1% |
The Procter and Gamble Company | < 1% |
Power NMS VPP SRL | < 1% |
Salt Lake County | < 1% |
Westnet Education and Research Consortium | < 1% |
EGIHosting | < 1% |
LightCore, a CenturyTelCompany | < 1% |
Level 3, LLC | < 1% |
Keystone Foods Corporation | < 1% |
DISH Network L.L.C | < 1% |
U.S. Government Accountability Office | < 1% |
UCHealth | < 1% |
Ace Data Centers II, L.L.C. | < 1% |
National Education Association | < 1% |
CableAmerica | < 1% |
Future Tech Distribution | < 1% |
Export Import Bank of the U.S | < 1% |
Adams 12 | < 1% |
Hampden-Sydney College | < 1% |
U.S. Department of the Interior | < 1% |
Samsung America | < 1% |
NETSTEP | < 1% |
Level3com | < 1% |
Cable TV of the Kennebunks | < 1% |
Camplink | < 1% |
Micro Advantage, Inc | < 1% |
Telecomsukkah | < 1% |
Oracle Corporation | < 1% |
SirsiDynix | < 1% |
GVM Sistem 2003 SRL | < 1% |
Voce Telecom, LLC | < 1% |
Home Box Office | < 1% |
Pacmed Clinics | < 1% |
State Compensation Fund | < 1% |
FIT IT Solutions LLC | < 1% |
City of Grand Junction | < 1% |
DoD Network Information Center | < 1% |
A.B. WATTLEY | < 1% |
ADVANTECH | < 1% |
WEBSERVE | < 1% |
MALAWINET | < 1% |
Allen and Overy LLP | < 1% |
Software Workbench | < 1% |
Frontier Communications of America, Inc. | < 1% |
Florida Parole Commission | < 1% |
UBM LLC | < 1% |
VIAVI Solutions Inc | < 1% |
Venda Ltd | < 1% |
Trustwave Holdings, Inc. | < 1% |
International Monetary Fund | < 1% |
Cengage Learning, Inc. | < 1% |
CloudInnovation | < 1% |
Cogeco Peer 1 | < 1% |
Networks Inc | < 1% |
Quantum Corporation | < 1% |
Q-SYSTEMS | < 1% |
Sky Lakes Medical Center, Inc. | < 1% |
Selective Service System | < 1% |
Las Vegas - Clark County Library District | < 1% |
Utah Education Network | < 1% |
Currys Retail Ltd | < 1% |
MACOM Technology Solutions Inc | < 1% |
Entreprise TwinMind | < 1% |
US Internet | < 1% |
DE-ISOMEDIA | < 1% |
MacMillan Bloedel Building Materials | < 1% |
MailAnyone.net | < 1% |
Lumen Technologies UK Limited | < 1% |
Qwest Telecommunications Asia Limited | < 1% |
@Yournet Connection, Inc | < 1% |
Adager | < 1% |
Applied Micro Circuits Corp | < 1% |
Aptum Technologies | < 1% |
ASL Analytical Service Laboratories Ltd. | < 1% |
Atrium Hotels Management LLC | < 1% |
City of Fort Collins | < 1% |
COMPUNET | < 1% |
La-Z-Boy Incorporated | < 1% |
Lake Chelan SD Office | < 1% |
Marketstreet Mortgage | < 1% |
MEGAS, LLC | < 1% |
The highest risk CenturyLink Communications, LLC IP addresses based on our fraud score:
IP Address data partner DB-IP.com:
Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:
IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.