{ "ip":"", "score":"100", "risk":"very high" }
The percentage of Cable and Wireless Access Ltd IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:
Anonymizing VPN | 0% |
Tor Exit Node | 0% |
Server | 0% |
Public Proxy | 0% |
Web Proxy | 0% |
The percentage of Cable and Wireless Access Ltd IP addresses which fall under each country:
United Kingdom | 100% |
The percentage of Cable and Wireless Access Ltd IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:
Cable & Wireless Access Limited | 21% |
Metropolitan Networks Ltd | < 1% |
HTS Ltd | < 1% |
EIT Solutions | < 1% |
Target internet Ltd | < 1% |
4G Computing PLC | < 1% |
The Office Group | < 1% |
University College | < 1% |
ONI Plc | < 1% |
Concentra Consulting Ltd | < 1% |
Benjys Group Ltd | < 1% |
Surejogi Group LTD | < 1% |
SmoothWall Limited | < 1% |
Ashtenne Ltd | < 1% |
Matsco Solutions | < 1% |
Groovy Gecko Ltd | < 1% |
Winchester City Council | < 1% |
TeleData Ltd | < 1% |
Satchwell Associates Ltd | < 1% |
A L Web Solutions Ltd | < 1% |
Internet Communication Ltd | < 1% |
The City of Edinburgh Council | < 1% |
Technology Blueprint Ltd | < 1% |
TigerNet Solutions Ltd | < 1% |
Schindler Ltd | < 1% |
Primary Broker Services | < 1% |
City of Edinburgh Council | < 1% |
4WARD Group Ltd | < 1% |
Spinlock Ltd | < 1% |
IT On Call Limited | < 1% |
Internet Business Group Plc | < 1% |
Contact Computing Ltd | < 1% |
OpenHand Software Ltd | < 1% |
Pointbet Limited | < 1% |
Neo Web Applications Ltd | < 1% |
Frontier Technology Ltd | < 1% |
Computer Vision UK Ltd | < 1% |
Incite ICT Ltd | < 1% |
iBlocks Ltd | < 1% |
Cut co | < 1% |
Pcm Global Ltd | < 1% |
Analystic Ltd | < 1% |
Andrews Computer Services Ltd | < 1% |
Peltours Ltd | < 1% |
Mobile Internet Ltd | < 1% |
PJ Locums Agency | < 1% |
Artificial Solutions | < 1% |
Setel Ltd | < 1% |
Softrax Ltd | < 1% |
ASRA Greater London Housing Association | < 1% |
Convergent Network Solutions Ltd | < 1% |
Auriol Trading Co Ltd | < 1% |
Infekt Ltd | < 1% |
Avar and Company | < 1% |
Lynx Business Solutions Ltd | < 1% |
IT Associates Ltd | < 1% |
Barbary Ltd | < 1% |
Imerja Ltd | < 1% |
Base 2 Software Ltd | < 1% |
Milkround Online Ltd | < 1% |
Telappliant Ltd | < 1% |
Oxley Energy Ltd | < 1% |
Net dot 3 Limited | < 1% |
BHR Ltd | < 1% |
Premiersoft Ltd | < 1% |
Pilat Media Ltd | < 1% |
Q Chi Ltd | < 1% |
Bloc Media Ltd | < 1% |
Two Simple Software Ltd | < 1% |
Monitoring Trustee Ltd | < 1% |
Compunet Systems Limited | < 1% |
Creativematch consultants ltd | < 1% |
Sharp Interpack Ltd | < 1% |
Cybertech Data Systems Ltd | < 1% |
Coopa Limited | < 1% |
Setform Ltd | < 1% |
eiStream uk ltd | < 1% |
Foehn Ltd | < 1% |
Fundamental data Ltd | < 1% |
Cable and Wireless LAN Services | < 1% |
Faction Films Ltd | < 1% |
e-Vector Consulting Ltd | < 1% |
Codel Ltd | < 1% |
St Pauls School | < 1% |
Cardpoint PLC | < 1% |
Internet Domain Services Limited | < 1% |
InferMed Ltd | < 1% |
Strategem Ltd | < 1% |
JNB International Ltd | < 1% |
ISN Solutions Ltd | < 1% |
Surelink Limited | < 1% |
Lanmark Technical Services Ltd | < 1% |
Chameleon Net Ltd | < 1% |
Chaplin Multimedia Ltd | < 1% |
Micropoint UK Ltd | < 1% |
Northpoint Solutions Ltd | < 1% |
Netco Consulting Ltd | < 1% |
Metage Capital Ltd | < 1% |
City College | < 1% |
The highest risk Cable and Wireless Access Ltd IP addresses based on our fraud score:
IP Address data partner DB-IP.com:
Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:
IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.