{ "ip":"", "score":"100", "risk":"very high" }
The percentage of Aureon Network Services IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:
Anonymizing VPN | 0% |
Tor Exit Node | 0% |
Server | 0% |
Public Proxy | 0% |
Web Proxy | 0% |
The percentage of Aureon Network Services IP addresses which fall under each country:
United States | 100% |
The percentage of Aureon Network Services IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:
Aureon Network Services | 20% |
Eastern Iowa IP, LLC | 3% |
Farmers Mutual Telephone Company | 1% |
Jefferson Telephone Company | 1% |
Citizens Mutual Telephone Company | 1% |
West Iowa Telephone | 1% |
Heart of Iowa Communications Cooperative | 0% |
Farmers Telephone Company | 0% |
Internet Solver | 0% |
Seneca Telephone Company | 0% |
River Valley Telecommunications | 0% |
Butler-Bremer Mutual Telephone | 0% |
NA Tel | 0% |
Webster Calhoun Telephone Co | 0% |
Central Scott Telephone Company | 0% |
Western Iowa Networks | 0% |
Sharon Telephone Company | 0% |
Freese-Notis | 0% |
Central Scott Telephone | 0% |
Premier Communications | 0% |
Colo Telephone Company | 0% |
Corn Belt Telephone Company | 0% |
Central Scott Telephone Co. | 0% |
Hospers Telephone Company | 0% |
Preston Telephone Company | 0% |
MTCNet | 0% |
Grand Mound Coop Telephone | 0% |
Farmers & Merchants Mutual Telephone Co | 0% |
Communications 1 Network, Inc | 0% |
Coon Valley Cooperative Telephone Association | < 1% |
Panora Cooperative Telephone Assoc., INC | < 1% |
Farmers Mutual Telephone | < 1% |
Farmer's Mutual Telephone | < 1% |
Panora Cooperative Telephone Association | < 1% |
Harlan Municipal Utilities | < 1% |
Alpine Communications | < 1% |
Partner Communications Cooperative | < 1% |
Wellman Cooperative Telephone Association | < 1% |
LaMotte Telephone Company | < 1% |
Mediapolis Telephone Company | < 1% |
Marne & Elk Horn Telephone Company | < 1% |
Alpine Communications L.C | < 1% |
Mid Iowa Teleco | < 1% |
Com-Waves | < 1% |
Ogden Telephone Co. | < 1% |
Citizens Mutual Telephone Cooperative | < 1% |
Dixon Telephone Company | < 1% |
Northland Communications, Inc | < 1% |
Clear Lake Independent Telephone Company | < 1% |
Great Lakes Communications | < 1% |
Grand Mound Cooperative Telephone Association | < 1% |
Hospers Telephone | < 1% |
ALLIA | < 1% |
Clarence Telephone Company | < 1% |
LNE Communications | < 1% |
NE Iowa Telephone | < 1% |
Brooklyn Mutual Telecommunications Cooperative | < 1% |
Brooklyn Mutual Telephone Co | < 1% |
Milford Communications | < 1% |
Westel Systems | < 1% |
Van Buren Telephone Co | < 1% |
WTC Communications | < 1% |
Walnut Telephone Company | < 1% |
Webb Wireless | < 1% |
Griswold Cooperative Telephone Company | < 1% |
River Valley Telecommunications Coop | < 1% |
Olin Telephone Company | < 1% |
Clarence Telephone Co., Inc. | < 1% |
Mutual Telephone of Morning Sun | < 1% |
Partner Communications | < 1% |
Minerva Valley Telephone Company | < 1% |
Mutual of Morning Sun | < 1% |
Mi Fiber | < 1% |
Arcadia Telephone Cooperative | < 1% |
Coon Creek Telephone Company | < 1% |
Lehigh Valley Cooperative Telephone Association | < 1% |
Cooperative Telephone Exchange | < 1% |
Northeast Iowa Telephone Company | < 1% |
Rockwell Coop Telephone Assn. | < 1% |
Marne & Elkhorn Telephone | < 1% |
Olin Telephone Co, INC. | < 1% |
Panora Coop Tele Assn INC | < 1% |
Breda Telephone Corp., Inc. | < 1% |
Butler-Bremer Communications | < 1% |
Titonka-Burt Communications | < 1% |
Mechanicsville Telephone Company | < 1% |
Ogden Telephone Company | < 1% |
Mediapolis Telephone | < 1% |
Schaller Telephone Company | < 1% |
Minburn Telecommunications | < 1% |
Omnitel Communications | < 1% |
West Iowa Telephone Company | < 1% |
Massena Telephone Company | < 1% |
Dumont Telephone | < 1% |
American Institute of Business | < 1% |
Northeast Iowa Telephone | < 1% |
Templeton Telephone Company | < 1% |
The highest risk Aureon Network Services IP addresses based on our fraud score:
IP Address data partner DB-IP.com:
Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:
IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.