{ "ip":"", "score":"100", "risk":"very high" }
The percentage of Telkom SA Ltd. IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:
Anonymizing VPN | 0% |
Tor Exit Node | 0% |
Server | 0% |
Public Proxy | 0% |
Web Proxy | 0% |
The percentage of Telkom SA Ltd. IP addresses which fall under each country:
South Africa | 99% |
Mauritius | < 1% |
Kenya | < 1% |
Zimbabwe | < 1% |
Uganda | < 1% |
Botswana | < 1% |
Tanzania | < 1% |
Angola | < 1% |
Mozambique | < 1% |
Cameroon | < 1% |
Congo | < 1% |
Central African Republic | < 1% |
Zambia | < 1% |
Ghana | < 1% |
Malawi | < 1% |
Namibia | < 1% |
Nigeria | < 1% |
Sudan | < 1% |
Somalia | < 1% |
Chad | < 1% |
Republic of the Congo | < 1% |
Burundi | < 1% |
The percentage of Telkom SA Ltd. IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:
Telkom SA Limited | 69% |
Telkom SA Ltd | 17% |
Saposnet1 | 3% |
Saposnet2 | 3% |
Saposnet3 | 3% |
Saposnet4 | 3% |
Addresses used for Hosting Solutions | 1% |
Airports Company Limited | < 1% |
Africa Online Operations (Mauritius) Limited | < 1% |
HBH Reserve | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Namibia | < 1% |
Maxinet HMS | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Zimbabwe | < 1% |
NetConnect cc | < 1% |
Imperial Online | < 1% |
Elu Investments Limited (Incorporated in Ireland) External Profit Company | < 1% |
Telkom SA Ltd. | < 1% |
Alexander Forbes Group Inc | < 1% |
Saix | < 1% |
CHEP SOUTH AFRICA (Proprietary) LIMITED | < 1% |
CON Africa | < 1% |
Highway Onlin | < 1% |
Kingsley2 | < 1% |
Netline | < 1% |
TCSWiFi | < 1% |
Telkom Mobile Value Added Services | < 1% |
DXC Technology South Africa (Pty) Ltd | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Angola | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Kenya | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Nigeria | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Tanzania | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Uganda | < 1% |
Afsat Communications Ltd | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Botswana | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Zambia | < 1% |
@lantic | < 1% |
Adds | < 1% |
Atlantic Networking | < 1% |
C King | < 1% |
Concourt | < 1% |
Critical Mass | < 1% |
Cyberway | < 1% |
Dockside | < 1% |
Duxbury | < 1% |
DynaMique Systems | < 1% |
ECS Saix | < 1% |
Gauteng Prov | < 1% |
Glonet | < 1% |
Gunston500 | < 1% |
Improtech Saix | < 1% |
Interlink S1 | < 1% |
Interweb Saix | < 1% |
IWA HBH HUB Nul0 P1 | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Somalia | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH South Africa | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH SouthAfrica | < 1% |
Jack Online Communication cc | < 1% |
Lexpro | < 1% |
MOSSGAS Pty LTD | < 1% |
Officeparks1 | < 1% |
Sensus96 | < 1% |
Syndicate | < 1% |
TCM | < 1% |
Urica | < 1% |
Zanet | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Mauritius | < 1% |
Transparent Communication | < 1% |
CO Active Solutions | < 1% |
Samcor Saix | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH CAR | < 1% |
Complete Software Solutions | < 1% |
Compuquote Saix | < 1% |
EC-Network Services | < 1% |
Eocean Saix | < 1% |
Herocell | < 1% |
Mediscor | < 1% |
Network Interface Consultants Pty Ltd | < 1% |
Pool Thorne | < 1% |
Sasol | < 1% |
Shisas | < 1% |
Solomonsystems | < 1% |
Tradepage | < 1% |
VWV Saix | < 1% |
Iscor | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Chad | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH Congo DR | < 1% |
IWA JUP HBH mozambique | < 1% |
Capital Media | < 1% |
Larch Nook | < 1% |
Beltel RE | < 1% |
Beltel1 Saix | < 1% |
Boss Model | < 1% |
Compu Byte | < 1% |
Compuflex Saix | < 1% |
Compuscan Saix | < 1% |
Cyberjack | < 1% |
D&L Solutions | < 1% |
Datapro Services | < 1% |
DCE Networking | < 1% |
The highest risk Telkom SA Ltd. IP addresses based on our fraud score:
IP Address data partner DB-IP.com:
Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:
IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.