Glide Student & Residential Limited - Fraud Risk

Low Risk
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Fraud Score: 6
We consider Glide Student & Residential Limited to be a potentially low fraud risk ISP, by which we mean that web traffic from this ISP potentially poses a low risk of being fraudulent. Other types of traffic may pose a different risk or no risk. They operate 80,961 IP addresses, none of which are running high risk services. They manage IP addresses for organisations including Glide Student & Residential Limited, Glide Group, and Cablecom Networking Ltd. Scamalytics see low levels of web traffic from this ISP across our global network, little of which is, in our view, fraudulent. We apply a risk score of 6/100 to Glide Student & Residential Limited, meaning that of the web traffic where we have visibility, approximately 6% is suspected to be potentially fraudulent.
IP Fraud Risk API
  "risk":"very high"
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IPs by Service

The percentage of Glide Student & Residential Limited IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:

Anonymizing VPN 0%
Tor Exit Node 0%
Server 0%
Public Proxy 0%
Web Proxy 0%

Percentage IPs by Country

The percentage of Glide Student & Residential Limited IP addresses which fall under each country:

United Kingdom 86%
Germany 3%
France 2%
Italy 1%
Belgium 1%
Slovenia 1%
Portugal 1%
Finland 1%
Croatia 1%
Ireland 1%
Luxembourg 1%
Netherlands 1%
Poland 1%
Slovakia < 1%
Serbia < 1%
Spain < 1%
Denmark < 1%
Czechia < 1%
Switzerland < 1%

Percentage IPs by Organisation

The percentage of Glide Student & Residential Limited IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:

Glide Student & Residential Limited 15%
Glide Group 10%
Cablecom Networking Ltd 9%
Cablecom Networking 8%
External 3%
Warwicknet 2%
Cablecom: Chichester University 2%
Glide 2%
Cablecom: Glamorgan University 2%
Infra 2%
Internet Utilities Europe and Asia Limited 2%
Cablecom Unite Petenot Wifi 1%
EX1 Glide A S4 1%
Inuknetworks 1%
Smartnet I.K.E 1%
Cablecom MMU 1%
Cablecom Woodlands Woodlane Data 1%
EX1 Glide A S1 1%
BSP-A 1%
Cablecom Winstanley Wifi 1%
Ipxo Limited 1%
Cablecom RS Furzedown Wifi 1%
Warwicknet - Senokian 2 1%
Cablecom UCA Rochester Wifi 1%
Cablecom: Heriot Watt University 1%
CityStream Internet 1%
Cablecom Theboulevard Wifi 1%
IAP 1%
Cablecom: Chichester College 1%
Cablecom Unite Wifi 1%
Cablecom Mansion Studios Wifi 1%
Cablecom: Mansion Group 1%
Cablecom UWE < 1%
Cablecom Empire Pioneer Data < 1%
Cablecom CLV Wenlock Data < 1%
Cablecom: Aston University < 1%
Cablecom MCR Grafton Wifi < 1%
Warwicknet Pppoe2 < 1%
Cablecom: Study Inn Corporation < 1%
Cablecom UCA Rochester Data < 1%
Cablecom MCR Cathliv Data1 < 1%
Cablecom MCR MSV Data1 < 1%
Glide Cust Deploy L1 20sa2 < 1%
Cablecom Business Pppoe < 1%
EuroFiber < 1%
CityStream-Internet < 1%
Glide Cust Deploy L1 Alvkc < 1%
Inuk Unite < 1%
Cablecom Cosmo Marybone NAT < 1%
Tennet Telecom SRL < 1%
UAB Consilium Optimum < 1%
Cablecom Crosslanes Foundun Data < 1%
Cablecom MCR MSV Data4 < 1%
Cablecom MCR Msvs Data1 < 1%
Dorna Network LTD < 1%
Cablecom EBK Hamstead Data1 < 1%
Wicom Rent4 < 1%
Cablecom EBK Hamstead Wifi1 < 1%
Cablecom UPP Data < 1%
Cablecom IQ Shoreditch Wifi < 1%
Cablecom Winstanley Griffon Wifi < 1%
Cablecom Northumbria Lovf Data < 1%
Cablecom Unite Cavendish Wifi < 1%
Cablecom UPP Peverill Data4 < 1%
Glide NAT < 1%
Cablecom Staffs Stafford < 1%
Cablecom Mansion Bank Wifi < 1%
Orion Telekom Tim d.o.o.Beograd < 1%
Glide Cust Deploy L1 Stipl < 1%
Cablecom Mansion Park Data < 1%
Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri < 1%
Customer of IPXO < 1%
Cablecom Studyinn Skills Data < 1%
Cablecom Northumbria Marleen Data < 1%
Cablecom: Newcastle University < 1%
Cablecom Urbanstart Alwyn Wifi < 1%
Cablecom MCR Msvs Data2 < 1%
Cablecom UCA Canterbury Data < 1%
Cablecom AXO Paracov Data < 1%
Cablecom Cathliv MCR Data < 1%
Cablecom Cityblock Kerrlei Data < 1%
Cablecom Cityblock Penny99 Data < 1%
Cablecom Cosmo Nick NAT < 1%
Cablecom UPP Broadgate < 1%
Cablecom UPP Peverill Data6 < 1%
Cablecom FSL Central Data < 1%
Cablecom Goodenough Infra < 1%
Cablecom LHA Belsize Wifi < 1%
Cablecom LHA Halpin Wifi < 1%
Cablecom Lozenge Lozeply Wifi < 1%
Cablecom RS Furzedown Data < 1%
Cablecom Mansion Bloomsbury Wifi < 1%
Teknososbilisim < 1%
Cablecom Mansion Tower Data < 1%
Cablecom Staffs Stoke < 1%
Cablecom: Bath Spa < 1%
TSH Bologna v4 < 1%
Cablecom Cityblock Penny77 Data < 1%
Cablecom Studyinn Markcov Data2 < 1%

IPs by Fraud Score

The highest risk Glide Student & Residential Limited IP addresses based on our fraud score:


IP Address data partner


Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:


IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.