ASK4 Limited - Fraud Risk

Low Risk
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Highest Risk →
Fraud Score: 5
We consider ASK4 Limited to be a potentially low fraud risk ISP, by which we mean that web traffic from this ISP potentially poses a low risk of being fraudulent. Other types of traffic may pose a different risk or no risk. They operate 79,235 IP addresses, none of which are running high risk services. They manage IP addresses for organisations including Ask4, Ask4 Limited, and Ask4 Gateways. Scamalytics see medium levels of web traffic from this ISP across our global network, little of which is, in our view, fraudulent. We apply a risk score of 5/100 to ASK4 Limited, meaning that of the web traffic where we have visibility, approximately 5% is suspected to be potentially fraudulent.
IP Fraud Risk API
  "risk":"very high"
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IPs by Service

The percentage of ASK4 Limited IP addresses which point to servers hosting high risk services:

Anonymizing VPN 0%
Tor Exit Node 0%
Server 0%
Public Proxy 0%
Web Proxy 0%

Percentage IPs by Country

The percentage of ASK4 Limited IP addresses which fall under each country:

United Kingdom 93%
Germany 4%
Ireland 2%
Poland 1%
Netherlands < 1%
Italy < 1%
Austria < 1%
Denmark < 1%
France < 1%
Portugal < 1%
Sweden < 1%

Percentage IPs by Organisation

The percentage of ASK4 Limited IP addresses which fall under each organization for whom they manage IPs:

Ask4 42%
Ask4 Limited 38%
Ask4 Gateways 3%
Ask4 Testing 1%
Ask4 Cust Pipeten 1%
ASK4 Germany network 1%
Ask4 Busi 121it < 1%
Ask4 Linknets < 1%
Ask4 Cust Cityest < 1%
Ask4 Cust Dmser < 1%
Ask4 Servers < 1%
Ask4 Busi Thorncliffe < 1%
Ask4 Busi Omniashef < 1%
Ask4 Core < 1%
Ask4 Network < 1%
Ask4 Cust Oxfordinnovation < 1%
Ask4 Office < 1%
Ask4 Cust STP < 1%
UK Ask4de < 1%
Ask4 Cust Birchhow < 1%
A4G < 1%
Ask4 Busi Omnia3 < 1%
A4P < 1%
Ask4 Busi Knowlehouse < 1%
Ask4 Cust Camwatch < 1%
Ask4 Cust Citdigital < 1%
Ask4 Cust IPL < 1%
Ask4 Cust Synergy < 1%
CRM Edinburgh College < 1%
Frigia Milan Contingency NAT < 1%
Ask4 Busi Stanleygrange < 1%
Ask4 Cust Liberty < 1%
Ask4 Cust Victoriahall < 1%
Ask4 Cust Opal < 1%
A4G Servers < 1%
Ask4 Busi Arundel < 1%
Ask4 Digitalregion < 1%
Ask4 Voip < 1%
Ask4 Cust Freshapproach < 1%
Ask4 Cust IQ < 1%
Ask4 Cust Nido < 1%
Ask4 Cust Rdash < 1%
ASK4 Manchester 2 < 1%
A4G Core < 1%
Ask4 Cust Cityestates < 1%
Seams Ltd < 1%
Ask4 Cust Knightsbridge < 1%
Ask4 Cust Mcidiventi < 1%
Bates and Co < 1%
A4ire < 1%
Ask4 Busi Huntsman < 1%
Ask4 Cust Accor < 1%
Ask4 Cust Awtg < 1%
Ask4 Cust Cybertill < 1%
Ask4 Cust Quba < 1%
Ask4 Cust Verypc < 1%
Ask4 Cust Vivo < 1%
Ask4 Cust XL < 1%
Bates & Co < 1%
Frigia Milan Contingency WAN < 1%
Ask4 Busi Omnia Gresley < 1%
Ask4 Cust CRM < 1%
Ask4 Cust Kaizen < 1%
Ask4 Cust Qualhealth < 1%
Ask4 Cust Saxtonmee < 1%
Ask4 Cust Studentcastle < 1%
A4P Gateways < 1%
Access Group < 1%
Ask4 Busi Dalkinscotton < 1%
Ask4 Busi Velocity < 1%
Ask4 Busi Ytel < 1%
Ask4 Cust Avit < 1%
Ask4 Cust Carlton < 1%
Ask4 Cust Downing < 1%
Ask4 Cust Dropdeadclothing < 1%
Ask4 Cust Generation < 1%
Ask4 Cust Grosvenor < 1%
Ask4 Cust HCD < 1%
Ask4 Cust Hydrox < 1%
Ask4 Cust Jennic < 1%
Ask4 Cust Kdaws < 1%
Ask4 Cust Nexus < 1%
Ask4 Cust Pipe10 < 1%
Ask4 Cust Positiveoutcomes < 1%
Ask4 Cust Printcity < 1%
Ask4 Cust Transition < 1%
Ask4 Cust Voice < 1%
Ask4 Cust Wandisco < 1%
Ask4 Cust Workpermit < 1%
Ask4 NL DK WS < 1%
Ask4 NL FR WS < 1%
Ask4 NL IT WS < 1%
Ask4 NL NL WS < 1%
Ask4 NL PT WS < 1%
Ask4 NL SE WS < 1%
Ask4 Wimax Teesdale < 1%
Bishop Grosseteste University < 1%
BluePool Computer Services < 1%
City University < 1%

IPs by Fraud Score

The highest risk ASK4 Limited IP addresses based on our fraud score:


IP Address data partner


Proxy data sponsored by IP2Proxy:


IMPORTANT: Scamalytics Ltd operate a fraud-detection network with visibility into many millions of internet users per month. We do not have visibility into the entire internet. The statements on this page represent our opinion based on the limited information we have available to us, and specifically only cover web connections made by internet users to websites and applications, not other connections such as server to server connections.